A.) Water Treatment
1.) Cooling Water Treatment
The ongoing challenge of all industrial cooling water programs is to provide chemical programs that will maintain clean heat transfer surfaces. This means providing protection against corrosion, scale and biological fouling that will ensure continuous operation of equipment with minimal downtime.
Cooling towers are vulnerable to a variety of contaminants that cause deposit formation such as mineral scales and sludge. Deposition interferes with heat transfer, increases corrosion rates, restricts water flow, and causes loss of process efficiency and production.
- Scale Corrosion Inhibitors
- Dispersants (Oil/ Bio)
- Biocides (Oxidizing / Non-Oxidizing)
- De-scaling Chemicals
- Pre-commissioning Cleaning Chemicals
2.) Boiler Water Treatment
The quality of water is important to avoid damage to the boiler. The makeup water depending on its source may contain large amount of impurities and considerable amounts of dissolved oxygen.
This, if not treated, results in fouling of boiler heat transfer surfaces, corrosion and increases the fuel consumption. The pitting corrosion leads to boiler tube failures and might damage the downstream equipment.
- Oxygen Scavenger
- Scale Inhibitors
- pH/Alkalinity Builders
- Condensate Line Treatment
- De-scaling Chemicals
- Boiler Cleaner Chemicals
3.) Chilled Water Treatment
Most chillers use water for heat transfer, so the water must be properly treated to prevent scale, corrosion and biological growth.
- Corrosion Inhibitors
- Biocides
- Pre-commissioning Cleaning Chemical
4.) Potable Water
Potable water (more commonly known as drinking water) is water that is safe enough for drinking and food preparation. According to the World Health Organisation, 91% of the world’s population had access to an improved drinking-water source in 2015, compared with 76% in 1990. Furthermore, since 1990, 2.6 billion people have gained access to an improved drinking water source.
Treatment for the production of drinking water involves removal of contaminants from raw water to produce water that is pure enough for human consumption, without any adverse health effects. These contaminants can come in various forms, including fungi, viruses, algae, bacteria and minerals (e.g. iron).
- Scale & Corrosion Inhibitors
- Disinfectants
5.) Swimming Pool Water Treatment:
Swimming pool water must undergo treatment, in order to remain clear and clean, free from harmful substances, bacteria, viruses, algae and other pathogens and suitable for use by swimmer.
- Chlorine/ Bromine
- pH Control
- Algaecides
- Pool Clarifiers/ Flocculants
B.) Specialty Chemicals
1.) Antiscalants
Scaling means the deposition of particles on a membrane, causing it to plug. Without some means of scale inhibition, reverse osmosis (RO) membranes and flow passages within membrane elements will scale due to precipitation of sparingly soluble gas, such as calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate and strontium sulfate.
Antiscalant is a pre-treatment water additive for reverse osmosis system that is highly effective in preventing the membranes from scaling. Before the feed water enters the reverse osmosis membrane, an antiscalant is injected into the water and sent the through the system.
- Low Brackish
- High Brackish
- Sea Water
2.) Membrane Cleaners
The use of high quality membrane cleaners is an important part of any maintenance programme. It is important to clean the membrane at an early stage of fouling. If performance deteriorates by 30-40% (or more), it may be impossible to recover plant performance by routine cleaning procedures. In a badly fouled membrane the flow pattern of the cleaning solution fails to penetrate the fouling medium.
Successful membrane cleaning relies on both the effectiveness of the cleaning compounds, their professional application and the design and operation of the cleaning equipment.
- Acid cleaners
- Alkaline cleaners
- Preservatives
- Bio-foulant removers
3.) Coagulants
Coagulants are a key component for any wastewater treatment program that handles suspend solids, as they consolidate those particles for easy and thorough removal and neutralize the negative electrical charge on particles, which destabilizes the forces keeping colloids apart.
They are used in effluent water treatment processes for solids removal, water clarification, lime softening, sludge thickening, and solids dewatering.
- Organic
- Inorganic
4.) Flocculants
Flocculants, or flocculating agents (also known as flocking agents), are chemicals that promote flocculation by causing colloids and other suspended particles in liquids to aggregate, forming a floc.
Flocculants are used in water treatment processes to improve the sedimentation or filterability of small particles.
- Cationic
- Anionic
- Non-Ionic
5.) Antifoams/ Defoamers
Antifoams, defoamers and foam control agents are scientifically formulated to control unwanted foam generation and are ideal for use in a wide range of process applications including wastewater and effluent treatment, steam generation, cooling water systems, distillation and more.
- Food Grade
- Industrial
- Waste water application
- Sea Water Desalination
6.) Odour Control
- For sewage lifting station & sewage treatment plants (STP)
- Grease traps etc.
7.) Minerals
- Bottling & Food Industries
8.) Enzymes & Bio Products
- Liquid/ Powder live Bacterial cultures for various Industrial Applications
C.) Dosing System & Controllers
- With various flow rates (0.1 LPH to 6000 LPH) / pressure rating/ pump head material
- Time Controlled/ Continuous/ Controller Based
- Controllers/ Monitors
- (pH/ Chlorine/ Conductivity/ TDS)
- Customized Dosing Stations (Skid/ Site Installation)
- Chemical Transfer Pumps
D.) Disinfection
- Chlorine Dioxide
- Ozone Generators
- UV Sterilizers
- Cu/Ag Ionization
- Electro Chlorination
- Chlorination
E.) Water Filtration
1.) Potable Filter
- Sand /Multimedia Filter (MMF)/ Dual media filters (DMF)
- Carbon Filter
- Iron Removal
- Water Softeners
- Demineralization units
- Cartridge/ Bag Filter (Various Micron Rating)
- Nominal/ Absolute Cartridges
- Ultra Filtration units (UF)
- Point-of-use Purifier for homes
- pH correction
- Gravity Filters
- Various filter Media (Sand, Gravel, Anthracite, Carbon, Iron removal etc.)
2.) Side/ Full Stream Filtration System for Cooling Tower & Chilled Water
- Centrifugal filters
- Disc filters
- Bag/cartridge filters
- Self Cleaning Filters
- Basket Screen Filters (Manual & Automatic)
F.) Resins
- Cationic/ Anionic resins
- Mixed Bed resins
- Resins for specific applications (Heavy Metals- Eg. Chromium/Fluoride/Arsenic etc.)
G.) Process Water Treatment
- Micro Filtration
- Ultra Filtration
- Nano Filteration
- Reverse Osmosis (Low/ High Brackish & Seawater)
– (Skid or Containerized or Mobile units) - EDI (Electrode De-ionizers)
- Condensate polishing units
- Central water filters
H.) Waste Water Treatment & Recycling Plants
1.) Sewage Treatment Plant & Pumping Stations
- (MBR, MBBR, SAF, SBR, Extended etc.)
2.) Industrial Effluent Treatment plants
– Type of Industries
- Food & Beverage
- Power Plant
- Automobile
- Textile & leather
- Pharmaceutical
- Pulp & Paper
- Petrochemical refineries
- Chemicals & fertilizers
- Metal processing & galvanizing industries
- Cement, Ceramic & Paint
- Mining
- Slaughter Houses
- Sand & Granite Washing
- Electronic industries
- Gold factories
Primary Treatment
- Oil Water Separators
- Oil skimmers
- Pre-screening (Manual/ Automatic)
- Flocculators
- Clarifiers / settling tanks
- DAF (Dissolved Air Floatation Unit)
Secondary treatment
- Anaerobic
- Convention activated sludge process
- Advance Membrane process
- AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process)
Tertiary Treatment
- Secondary Clarifiers
- Filters (Sand, Carbon, Dual Media)
- Disinfection
- Sludge Dewatering (Filter Press, Decanters, Belt Press etc.)
Polishing & Recycling Units
- Ultra Filters
- Nano Filters
- Reverse Osmosis
3.) Grey Water & Recycling Plants
- Conventional Filter
- UF based system
4.) Vehicle Wash Water Recycling Plants
5.) pH Neutralization systems
- (Hospitals/Schools labs/ research laboratories etc. )
1.) Operation & Maintenance for All Kinds of Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Filtration systems
- Reverse Osmosis plants
- Sewage Treatment Plants
- Effluent Treatment Plants
- Cooling Towers & Boilers
2.) Membrane Replacement & Cleaning Services
- For UF & RO Membranes
3.) Consultancy Services
- Case Studies for New Projects/ Up Gradation of Existing Plants
- Automization of Manual Plants
- Water Audits
- Analytical Services
- Supply of Spares & Consumables
- Troubleshooting & Re-modification
4.) Flushing Services
- Chillers
- Sterilization of Portable Water Tanks/ Distribution Network.